Six Major Concerns of Human Life

Life is an area of major concern for every philosopher. They try to define the life and prescribe rules for its betterment. Dr. Yogi Bikashananda has also defined the human life as he has seen it - from his own eyes as well as that of others from different categories and backgrounds.

According to Dr. Yogi we should live for others. Everyone lives for himself and as a human being, considering oneself the superior, we should do something to help others as well. He opines that even an animal takes care of itself and its family. However, if two animals or their groups of the same kind meet each other they begin to fight. We, as human beings, fighting in the name of religion, race, and castes is not humanly and living for oneself and one's family only is not enough. Therefore, everyone of us needs to have six qualities within us to live a balanced life. These six qualities or major aspects of human concern are health, happiness, creativity, nature friendliness, humanity and spirituality.

Everyone should posses these qualities to live a balanced and content life in the society. Everyone should be healthy and happy to live a pleasant life. They should be creative to live a successful life and nature friendly to live a sustainable life. Everyone should treat others equally and help those in need to live in peace and prosperity and they should be spiritual for their self-esteem and their mental development. These qualities will, ultimately, ensure that an individual is productive and compliant with the society.

In the upcoming posts I will write more about these major qualities of human concern.

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